Hoboken Public Safety Department offers safety tips for a healthy and safe holiday season
Holiday Safety Press Release 2023
Hoboken Police announce the 3rd annual Sgt. Peter Zanin “Peachy” Toy Drive
Toy Drive Press Release
CAPS Community And Public Safety Forum
The CAPS (Community And Public Safety) Forum is held by the City of Hoboken and the Hoboken Public Safety Department every few months, in different neighborhoods throughout Hoboken. Representatives from the Police and Fire Departments, Office of Emergency Management (OEM), and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are at each event to connect with the community, answer questions, and have conversations about best practices for public safety in the Mile Square City.
Hoboken Department of Public Safety offers safety tips for a spooktacular Halloween
As Halloween approaches, the Hoboken Public Safety Department, which is made up of the City’s Police Department, Fire Department, Office of Emergency Management, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS), reminds revelers of all ages to follow best practices and tips for a safe and healthy holiday. The Hoboken Police Department asks drivers to reduce their speed, be alert for trick-or-treaters, turn on headlights, stop before crosswalks, and remember that the city-wide speed limit is 20 mph. The City of Hoboken does not permit block parties on Halloween; and residents are reminded to walk on sidewalks and to cross only in crosswalks. All are [...]
2023 Hoboken Police Department Awards Ceremony
Hoboken Police 2023 Awards Program