Hoboken Police Department receives grant to help improve pedestrian safety through public awareness and enforcement


The Hoboken Police Department is reminding residents to “Drive Smart and Walk Smart,” as it kicks off the 2024 Pedestrian Safety Enforcement and Education campaign. The program is being funded through a recently awarded $30,000 pedestrian safety grant from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety.


The grant will help the department raise awareness of safe driving and pedestrian habits, as well as curb potentially dangerous behaviors on the road through the use of both enforcement and education tools. The initiative will run through September.


As part of the enforcement element of the program, officers will stop motorists who don’t stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. They will also be on the lookout for other dangerous and illegal behaviors including distracted driving, careless driving, and seat belt violations. Violators will get warnings, and possibly summonses. A portion of the fines collected will go toward the New Jersey Pedestrian Safety Enforcement and Education Fund. The program will also focus on pedestrians who do not use crosswalks when crossing the street.


The educational component will include public presentations to some of Hoboken’s most vulnerable pedestrians, including children and senior citizens. Members of the police department’s School Unit and Traffic and Transportation Unit will conduct these presentations over the next few months.


For more information regarding this program, please contact the HPD Traffic and Transportation Unit at (201) 420-2100 ext. 3129.