Hoboken Police Museum
On June 11, 1851, the Hoboken City Council passed an ordinance forming a paid Police Department. The Hoboken Police Department was established in 1855 as a seven man police force.
The Hoboken Police Museum is located on the 2nd floor of the Police Department Headquarters, located at 106 Hudson Street. The museum is free and open to the public.

Past Chiefs of the Hoboken Police Department
Chief Kenneth Ferrante was appointed Chief on October 27th, 2014 and sworn into the position on December 1, 2014. He is 46 years old, and is a lifelong Hoboken resident. His parents are retired Hoboken Police Captain Fred, who served the Hoboken Police Department for 32 years, and Patricia Ferrante.
Ferrante was hired as a Police Officer on June 11, 1993. He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant on June 12, 2003, then to the rank of Lieutenant on January 23, 2008.
Ferrante holds a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice on the Police Administration track from New Jersey City University which he attained in May of 2005. He also received a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice in May of 1999 also from New Jersey City University.
Ferrante’s awards include the Combat Cross for apprehending a suspect who had disarmed and injured officers. He also received the Honorable Service awards for quelling a riot and making arrests with no injuries to officers, and for apprehending a sexual predator who was extorting money from youths. He also received Exceptional Duty awards for busting a gambling operation while off-duty and attending classes at a local college, and for solving a Hit and Run with serious injuries at 4th and Monroe Sts. He also received multiple Commendations for his involvement at scenes of homicides, robberies, and missing persons.
Ferrante is also formally trained in many areas. He was trained in Dignitary Protection by the New York Police Department. He was certified by the Community Policing institute at the Bergen County Police Academy. He also attended multiple Crime Prevention courses. Other certifications include: DWI Recognition and Standard Field Sobriety Tests, DWI Breathalyzer operator and Alco-Test Operator, Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E. officer), Methods of Instruction (M.O.I. certified), FBI Intensive Supervision conducted at New Jersey State Police Training Facility, CPR Instructor Course conducted at St. Michael’s Hospital in Newark.
Some of Ferrante’s assignments have included: as a Patrol Officer, he was a Community police Officer and was also detailed to the Anti-Crime plain clothes detail. As a Sergeant, he was the Community Policing Unit supervisor. As a Lieutenant, at different times, he commanded the Uniform Patrol Bureau’s day, evening and midnight tours. He was also the Community Policing commander, as well as the School Resource Officers’ commander and the Hoboken Housing Authority day commander in 2009 and 2010.
Ferrante also was the commander for many high profile events which include: tour commander during the Super Bowl operation, uniform commander during three gun scenes in October of 2013, uniform personnel commander at scene of the search and arrest of a suspect wanted for a drive by shooting of a 70 year old woman in Jersey City, commander at the scene of the fatal fire at #2 Marineview Plaza, commander at the multi-dwelling fire at 70 Madison St, commander at the New Year’s day 11th and Adams St. fire, commander at the Mother’s Day 2011 PATH train crash, one of the south commanders for the Superstorm Sandy Operation, southeast commander for Hurricane Irene operation, waterfront commander for all of the Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks shows on the Hudson River, and the Washington Street commander for six St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Lepre-con days.
Ferrante also had extensive union leadership experience as a two time P.B.A.vice-president and a two term, four year P.S.O.A. president. He also has extensive collective bargaining experience having served on six contract negotiation teams, chairing four of those committees.
Ferrante also taught law enforcement as an instructor for A&M Test Prep in Bloomfield, N.J., where he prepared police officers, sergeants, lieutenants, and captains for promotional exams and taught classes on Attorney General Guidelines, supervision, management, administration and incident command from 2004-2010. He has also taught part time for Bernstein and Associates since 2014, teaching the same classes as he did for A&M while also prepping Chief and Deputy Chiefs’ candidates from around the State of New Jersey.
Ferrante also holds great pride in having been a 1990 graduate of St. Peter’s Prep, where he was a Presidential Scholar and where, as a senior he was an all-state linebacker for the 1989 State Champion Marauders. He went back to be a coach for the school from 1991-2000, and again from 2011-2013.
Ferrante also served as the City of Hoboken’s Office of Emergency management coordinator in 2013 and 2014, leaving the post on the day of his appointment to Police Chief.
In his five years as Chief, he has created the HPD’s first ever Waterfront and Parks Unit in 2015 and the department’s first Emergency Service Unit. He has also tripled the size of the department’s Traffic Unit and doubled the size and hours of the Investigations Bureau.
In December of 2018, Ferrante became President of the Hudson County Chiefs of Police Association.
Chief Anthony P. Falco, Sr., was appointed the 9th Chief of the Hoboken Police Department by Mayor David Roberts on June 18, 2009, after achieving the No. 1 ranked position on the 2009 Police Chief’s Civil Service examination.
Chief Falco is currently in his 38th year of service in the Hoboken Police Department, having first been appointed to the department on January 1, 1971. During his first few years of service, Chief Falco served primarily in Uniformed Patrol.
In 1978, Chief Falco was among a select number of officers to be assigned to the newly re-formed Motorcycle Patrol Bureau. The Motorcycle Patrol Bureau continues to this day and Chief Falco is one of two remaining original members.
Chief Falco was subsequently promoted to the rank of Sergeant in December of 1979, then to the rank of Lieutenant in January of 1985. In April of 2001, Chief Falco was promoted to the rank of Captain, having achieved the top score on that test.
Prior to his appointment as Chief of Police, Chief Falco was the Commanding Officer of the Investigations Division, which encompasses both the Detective Bureau and the Anti-Vice Squad. Chief Falco has also served as the commander of several bureaus and units during his tenure, including the Training, Planning & Operations Bureau; the Community Policing Bureau (CPOP) as well as the Motorcycle Patrol Bureau.
A lifelong resident of Hoboken, Chief Falco graduated from Hoboken High School in 1966 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Jersey City State College. Chief Falco also holds several certifications, including training in Narcotics & Criminal Investigation; Accident Investigation, Hazardous Materials Investigation and Hostage Negotiation. Chief Falco has also participated in the FBI’s Joint Conference on Terrorism.
Chief Falco is a founding member of the Hoboken Police Superior Officers Association. He is also a member of the New Jersey Honor Legion and the Italian American Police Officer’s Association of New Jersey. In addition, Chief Falco is also a member of New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association, Hoboken Local No.2,where he was the recipient of the State’s prestigious Gold Card Life Member award for his work as a member of that organization. He has also received the VFW Outstanding Citizen Award in 1975 and was selected as an “Outstanding Young Man in America” in 1979. Chief Falco holds several departmental commendations in recognition for his outstanding police work and has been recognized by N.J. Governors Thomas Kean & James Florio for his work.
Chief Falco is married to the former Georgean Hodges and is the proud father of Sgt. Anthony Falco, Jr. and Sgt. Melissa Falco-Gigante, who have both followed in their father’s footsteps and are current members of the department. In addition, both his son-in-law, P.O. Vito Gigante and his nephew, P.O. Jason Falco are also members of the department. He also served with his brother, Lt. Peter Falco for 25 years before his brother’s retirement from the department in 2006. Chief Falco is also the proud grandfather to Antonio, Vito and Vincent Gigante.
Carmen V. La Bruno was the 8th Chief of the Hoboken Police Department. Chief La Bruno was appointed to the position of Police Chief in 1991.
Chief La Bruno spent over 30 years in law enforcement, first appointed to the Hoboken Police Department as a Patrolman in 1971.
Chief La Bruno rose quickly through the ranks, scoring the top position on each of his promotional exams. He was promoted to Sergeant in 1977, to Lieutenant in 1982 and to Captain in 1985.
Just prior to his appointment as Chief of Police, Chief La Bruno served as the Chief of Investigators for the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office from 1986 to 1989.
Being a strong proponent of education, Chief La Bruno holds Masters Degrees in Criminal Justice and Philosophy from Jersey City State & from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he has advanced to candidacy for his Ph.D.
He is a former adjunct undergraduate professor at Seton Hall University and he is recognized by the New Jersey Department of Personnel as a subject matter expert.

George W. Crimmins 1970-1991

Ambrose A. Ryan 1961 – 1970

John F. Reynolds 1948 – 1961

Edward J. McFeely 1921 – 1948

Patrick Hayes 1902 – 1921

Charles Donovan 1878 – 1902

Charles Bernard 1855 – 1878
The Hoboken Police Department recognizes our Members of Service who have made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting and serving the people of Hoboken.
We remember their valor and will always remember their commitment to the profession that they loved. This is our solemn and sacred duty.
The Members of the Hoboken Police Department Killed in the Line of Duty
Patrolman Charles Gebhardt
End Of Watch: Tuesday, July 26, 1898
Cause Of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman John J. Condon
End Of Watch: Friday, August 15, 1902
Cause Of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Bernard Murray
End Of Watch: Wednesday, October 2, 1918
Cause Of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman William Gudehus
End Of Watch: Thursday, October 10, 1918
Cause Of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Joseph M. Jaeger
End Of Watch: Sunday, July 6, 1924
Cause Of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Patrick J. Lane
End Of Watch: Friday, March 9, 1928
Cause Of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Thomas F. Mcintyre
End Of Watch: Saturday, October 6, 1951
Cause Of Death: Motorcycle Accident