The goal of Junior Police Academy is to familiarize children with the role of a Police Officer. Participants should be prepared for a hands-on experience of a wide variety of Law Enforcement techniques and training.
The Junior Police Academy consists of various activities to prepare youths for future entry into the law enforcement field. Several neighboring agencies including New Jersey State Police and Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office will be coming in to teach the participants the many different aspects of law enforcement. In addition, there will be one hour of physical training per day.
Lunch will be provided daily. Children are required to wear sneakers along with the issued t-shirt, shorts, baseball cap, gym bag, and water bottle (items provided at orientation).
All instruction, demonstrations, and presentations will be administered and supervised by the men and women of the Hoboken Police Department. Waivers MUST be completed for participation in this program if selected for the program. Any questions please email Sgt. Anthony Fesken FeskenA@HobokenPDNJ.Gov
2023 Junior Police Academy Video Highlights
Junior Police Academy Application – To Be Announced