Hoboken Police arrest man for driving drunk with a child in car

Hoboken, NJ – On May 8, 2023, at approximately 3:23 p.m., Det./Sgt. William Collins, Det./Sgt. Anthony Russo, Sgt. Francisco Rosa, Lt. James Peck, and Police Officers Ramon Calderon, Dylan Archilla, Damien Bates, and Jonathan Figueroa responded to reports of a car crash at the intersection of Second and Hudson Streets.

When officers arrived, they found a Nissan Rogue facing the wrong way on Hudson Street. The driver of that vehicle told officers he was pulling out of a parking spot when another car rear-ended him. The driver of the other vehicle was identified as 30-year-old Jimmie Lee of Newark. Inside his car were an adult female, who suffered a minor hand injury due to the crash, and a male juvenile who was not injured. Officers on scene believed Lee to be under the influence due to his erratic behavior, bloodshot eyes, and incoherent statements being made. Lee also refused multiple requests to provide identification. At one point, he began to walk away from the scene and when officers told him to stop, Lee took off running. Officer Calderon ran after the suspect and quickly caught him near 200 Court St. Other officers helped handcuff Lee and, due to the close proximity, walked him a block to Police Headquarters.

While at headquarters, Lee refused to take a standard field sobriety test and refused to provide breath samples. A blood draw warrant was issued. Lee was charged with driving while intoxicated, endangering the welfare of a child, assault by auto, obstruction, refusing to submit to breath testing, reckless driving, failure to exhibit insurance, and failure to exhibit a driver’s license. As per John’s Law, Lee was released into the custody of a responsible party.

The charges and allegations are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. No other information is available at this time. A weekly arrest blotter can be found on the Hoboken Police Website. Follow HPD on Twitter at @HobokenPD.